Thursday, May 26, 2011

A burger with a view

Okay, so I’ve revamped the blog and am going to try something new.

I am going to try and write stories that are humorous but may also have marketable value. There is a thing in the blog-o-sphere called Monetizing you blog. That means you let advertisers post ads in the side columns. They pay you for each click your blog gets.

But part of the hook there is that the story has to be something that an advertiser would want their product or service seen on. So that is one aspect of the new & improved blog.

Also, it was pointed out to me by several people that as the owner of a couple of pre-schools, my naughty humor was probably not the best thing. I felt this blog had no direct tie-in to the schools the wife and I run, so what was the harm? But other voices prevailed, so I’ll keep it clean. The funny thing is, I’m not really an overly vulgar guy. But the minute you tell me that is off limits, that is suddenly all I want to write about. But fine, I’ll keep it clean, whatever.

And lastly, the stories have to have some funny, so you, the reader, want to read them. I can promise the posts will be at the very least mildly humorous, but hopefully once in a while you will laugh out loud (or “lol” as all the young hipsters say).

So let’s get started.

I will be doing subject groupings for my stories. The first set will be “Burger Wars”, where I will have several posts on one of my favorite subjects – cheeseburgers.

This evening I met up with friend and fellow blogger Aaron ( ). We meet about once a month at a bar and grill near his work. That place is known to you common folk as Hooter’s.

I know what you are thinking – risky subject for a guy who just got done telling us he was going to stop doing risqué types of posts. But hey, I stopped drinking on 5-8-95 but still go to bars on occasion. That’s just how I roll. I’m all about the danger, baby.

Anyway, we met up at about 4:30PM, right in the middle of happy hour. Aaron is the designated drinker, and I’m the eater. So he was working a draught brew, and I had my Diet Pepsi, on the rocks.

We always share an order of loaded tater-tots (aw, how cute; just like a married couple). He had Maui Tacos and I had a ten-piece of the hottest boneless wings they’ve got (remember, Danger-Lew) and a Western Burger.

As previously mentioned, this post is part of the “Burger War” series, so I’ll just focus on that part of the food.

As far as price, it is probably near the top with a total cost of $12.92 ([burger only] 10% tax and 20% tip factored in).

But the other thing they will rate at the top for is ambiance (careful Lew). I guess I don’t need to get into much detail there, other than to say the view is better than the Jack-In-The-Box that stares out onto Poway Rd. We’ll just leave it at that.

As far as the taste, I give this burger a strong “average”. I have had it at least 6 times at this location, and it is always the same. Don’t get me wrong, it’s good. And since I am always hungry when I get it, that helps. I’m just saying it isn’t really anything to write home about. As with all burgers that called themselves “Western”, it had the BBQ sauce, bacon and cheese. But unlike most, that have a large onion ring or two, this one has “onion strings”, which is nice. Gives it a more even spread across the patty.

While enjoying the food, I tried to do some tongue-in-cheek racial humor intermixed with a true story. I sensed it didn’t go over too well. So I quickly tried to back-peddle by doing a little Jew-Bashing (I’m Jewish, so don’t get your panties all bunched up).

I always have a coupon for a free entrée in my wallet. Usually I beat my friend there, get settled in, and get the coupon out. But since he was already there, it threw me off my game. Then I didn’t remember it until the bill had already come. Admittedly, I could have given it to the server then. But she was kind of snotty, and I feared she would sneer at me very subtly. And I didn’t feel like being looked down on for what would have been a top savings of $4.00

The coupon is for a free entrée. And you can’t give it to them right away. I learned the hard way if you order a few wings or an appetizer before the main entrée, but present the coupon right away, they will only deduct a dollar or so off the cheap appetizer items. So wait until you’ve ordered all your food. That way they will take off an entrée, as the coupon says. (Another one of life’s lessons given to you free of charge.)

All-in-all, a very nice time with my pal. As far as the actual burger, I rate it a solid “six” (with 10 being the best).

Until next time, just remember – (ground) beef, it’s what’s for dinner.

Lew B.

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